How to Contact the Customer Care of Jupiter Money?

Jupiter Money is one of the most used neo banking applications in India. There are many people who have opened an account with Jupiter.

One of the major objectives of Jupiter Money is to make banking simple and easy. But sometimes the users may run into trouble.

And that is when the need to contact customer care or support arises. In this guide, I will tell you how you can reach out to the customer support team of Jupiter Money.

There are three ways to contact customer care. The first way is to send an email to the support team and the second method is using the live chat section within the official Jupiter Money app.

The customer support of Jupiter Money is [email protected] you can send your queries to this email address.

And the third and recommended way to contact customer care of Jupiter Money is to call on 08655055086. Support on this number is available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM on all days except public holidays.

You will have to wait for a reply from customer care. But in case you don’t want to wait then you can start a chat with the support team.

To chat with the customer care of Jupiter Money follow the instructions given below.

Jupiter Money Customer Care

Steps to Contact Jupiter Money Customer Care via Chat:
  1. Open the Jupiter Money app.
  2. Tap on “Help”.
  3. Type your question in the message box and tap on the “Send” button.
  4. You will get responses from the chatbot of Jupiter Money.
  5. Type “Chat with Expert” and send the message.
  6. A support agent will be connected with you in a few seconds.

In case you are in need of urgent help then tap on the “Urgent Issues” button in the help section of the app.

Please keep in your mind that no one from Jupiter or Federal Bank will ever contact you asking for your sensitive information. So make sure you never share your details with anyone.

Need More Help? Contact Jupiter Money